
General Meeting Minutes for 2012

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
January 11, 2021

Attendance: 15 in attendance)  Dick Crawford, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee, Al Ackerman, Dave Chervinsky,  Brooks Rimes, Mike Steinagel, Shelia Ferrentino, Norm Hahn, Tom Rusert, Bill Wind, Brian Grim, Tom Witkowski, guests:  DG Clancy Burkwit, Robert Abbamunte

Lion Acting President Tom Witkowski called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM   DG Clancy Burkwit was present as well as guest Robert Abbamunte

Split Club: Lion Dick:  $398 in the split club Lion Dave Chervinsky selected the 6 of diamonds.  There are 13 cards remaining!!!!  Come to the next meeting to see if your name is selected!

Treasurers Report:  The board was issued a email with the following report $7000 in welfare fund, $2000  and $1500 in scholarship fund.

Correspondence:  Lion Shelia:  The club received a bill from GI Optical for $210,  paid out for glasses.  A thank you card was received for the $200 paid out to Nicaragua.  Invitation to purchase tickets to raise money for the Boys and Girls Club on Feb. 3.  The cost is $125 for 2 people, anyone interested see Lion Shelia.

Scholarship:  Lion Paul read a letter received from a recipient of the high school scholarship,  Katie Rustowicz.  A suggestion was made to contact scholarship recipients to help in community service with SKP, etc. 
Committee Reports:
Christmas Tree Sale:  Lion Brian Grim- Lion Brian will not be able to be at the next meeting.  Better than last year a full report will follow with perhaps a 20-30% increase.
A report will be given on the February 8th meeting.
Club Excellence Program:  Lion Tom:  Lion Tom has heard from 15 members of our club.  Please respond if you still have the forms.  Forms can be submitted anonymously.
Merritton meeting (March 28th).  Lion Dave has contacted the Lion President of Merritton’s and the meeting will be on March 28th
Spaghetti Dinner:   The dinner will be on April 16.  Members that were present received their 10 tickets.  Please start sell tickets ASAP.
A moment of silence for Lion John MacNeil who passed away this past week.
The GI Lions Club is on Facebook with its first friend request.
Old Business:
Miracle League Board Reorganization:  Lion Tom received a call from Dan Drexilious.  They are looking to reorganize the Miracle League Board.  Lion Mike gave some more information:  Lion Mike is currently serving as the Lions Club board member.  There was a very large donation of $150k with a condition attached that the ML board be reorganized.  The funding is supposed to go towards the building of the new playground.  The donation was given anonymously.  It was felt that there was not enough oversight on the funds in the hands of ML.  Theresa Hooper was part of the reorganization.  PDG Gary Carini will also be on board with maintaining LCIF involvement in ML. New Business:
Hands across the border:  Saturday January 21.  At Antonio’s in Niagara Falls.  If you would like to go mail a check to Lion Tom with the check made out to Lions Club Town of Wheatfield.
Lion Club Information Brochures:  The club printed 500 of these brochures.  We are in need of new brochures. The brochures will be updated prior to the reprinting.  Lion Paul suggested that we hand out these brochures at the White Cane Sale instead of the bookmarks.  We may need to contact Lion Dick P to see how many bookmarks we have gone through in previous years.
We have 2 motorized scooters in the Loan Closet.  Should we list them on Craigslist?  Lion Brooks may need of 1 of these scooters for his mother in law.  As a side note we need to inventory the items in the loan closet.  We also need to make sure that the items are disinfected prior to the distribution of the items.  We are in need of crutches and canes.
There will be a scrap run on January 21.

Motion to adjourn Lion Paul seconded Lion Shelia meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Next general meeting will be January 25, 2012 at the Buffalo Launch Club 
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
January 25, 2012

Attendance: (13 in attendance)  Anne Fahning, Dick Crawford, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee, Al Ackerman, Dave Chervinsky,  Shelia Ferrentino,  Fred Ruocco, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, guests:  Cheryl Chamberlain, Bob Simpson, Christina Podlucki.,

Lion President Anne Fahning called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM   A moment of silence was held in memory of Lion Ray Smith.  Lion Dick introduced teachers from GIHS, Bob Simpson, Cheryl Chamberlain, and Christina Podlucki.

Split Club: Lion Dick:  $403 in the split club Lion Donna selected the 4 of clubs.  There are 12 cards remaining!!!!  Come to the next meeting to see if your name is selected!

Program:  GIHS Teachers Cheryl Chamberlain, Bob Simpson, and Christina Podlucki presented on the Holiday Tree Fundraiser.  Clubs decorated trees that were auctioned off at the Town Hall Recreational department’s community event with Santa on December 14th in the Viking Mall at the GIHS.  The clubs sponsored 12 trees with $100 of donated decorations.  Real trees were not allowed inside the school grounds.  The real trees were outside the main entrance and 6 artificial trees were inside the Viking Mall.  There were 8 different activities available for the participants including ornament making, food drive with GI Neighbors Foundation, Santa and Face Painting. There were many students volunteers.  There were approximately 300-400 people who came to participate.  There was a lot of wind that
night and unfortunately many of the real trees that were outside became damaged.  There was over 1000 can goods that were donated to the Neighbors foundation.  There is always a learning curve, so program changes next year may be holding the event 1 week earlier, not using real trees, more promotion.  The club was presented with a check for the proceeds, $300. 
 Feb 22 – A speaker from a Stutterers Organization.
March 14th- Dr. Sandra Sieminski will present on a new glaucoma treatment.  Nominations committee.
March 28 Merritons
April 11 – Christina Trinko on her homeland of Costa Rica.
April  25 –
May 9 - 
May 23 Peace Poster 

Committpee Reports:
Merriton’s meeting will be on March 28th
Spaghetti Dinner:   The dinner will be on April 16.  Members are encouraged sell tickets.

Maria Burns from Zonta:  Thee club was sent an invitation to have a joint meeting with Zonta, Rotary and Lions Club with each club presenting a brief synopsis of their clubs activities.  This would be March 27th at the BLC drinks at 6:30 dinner at 7 PM. 

Lion Paul:  50 th Anniversary Pins are left over.  Lion Paul would like to know what the club would like to do with this.
Update on Uplinger and Melvin Jones awards this year.  Lion Paul would like 2 committees, 1 for each award comprised of the previous recipients of the each award.  The committees plan on meeting in the next couple months.
Raffle Tickets:  Does the club want to purchase these district tickets for a uplinger award.  No not at this time.

Lion Tom R. - February 26th – Annual Dr. Andy’s Day for Kids at the Buffalo Brew Club.  Noon - ?  Basket  raffles

New Business:

Motion to adjourn Lion Paul seconded Lion Fred meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Board meeting to follow.
Next general meeting will be February 8, 2012.  This is the Valentines Day event at the Holiday Inn.  Spouses are invited.
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Minutes: 2/22/2012

Attendees: Lions Shelia Ferrentino, Al Ackerman, John McCarthy, Dick Crawford, Anne Fahning, Dave Chervinsky, Tom Witkowski

Guest Speaker: Adrian McAdory - National Stuttering Association

Adrian spoke about his association which has 900 members across the country. Locally, they meet twice a month with discussions on coping with this affliction that has no known definitive cause affecting 3 million people. Possible causes could be a defective gene or how the air flows through our respiratory system. He went through school being a covert stutterer meaning one who is quiet as opposed to an overt stutterer or one that speaks without reservations. Stuttering has nothing to do with intelligence as some stutterers have IQs higher than normal. The strategies that are used by stutterers are changing words that cause stuttering and being honest about the affliction. He has been a top producer at New England Financial due to his honesty and passion for his job. Lion President Anne presented him with our 50-year Anniversary pin.

In correspondence, VDG John Shaffer from the South Buffalo/Lackawanna Lions Club has scheduled his visitation as DG for 1/23/2013. Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service solicited us for a donation. Since a board quorum was not met, all decisions will be made at the next meeting at which time the budget will be discussed. Lion Crawford will motion for a $100 donation to the Raymond J. Wheeler Foundation since we have not donated to them for quit some time.

Our brochure is in process of including some color photos to make it more appealing.

A reminder that our annual Spaghetti Dinner will be held 4/15/2012 and that committee members should attend the next meeting.

Lion Witkowski briefly spoke about the Club Excellence Program in the district and stated that Riverside Lions have been asked to contact all the clubs that have experienced successful membership drives to share their knowledge. He has also accepted Miracle League's request to sit on the advisory board. Additionally, he presented raffle tickets for the MD-20 Youth Band who plays at the State Convention.

Lion Dick Crawford won the jackpot of $406.00 with our guest drawing his name and Lion Dick drawing the Ace of Spades.

Meeting adjourned with a motion from Lion Ferrentino and seconded by Lion McCarthy.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Tom Witkowski

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting March 14, 2012

Attendance:  (11  in attendance)  Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski, Al Ackerman,  Paul Bassette,  Fred Ruocco, Norm Hahn, Dave Chervinsky, Tom Rusert, Donna Lavallee  Guest speaker;  Dr. Sandy Sieminski, Gillian Bromstead

Lion President Elect Anne Fahning called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.
Lion Tom introduced Introduction of the guests, Dr. Sandy Sieminski doctor at the Ross Eye Institute.  Gillian Bromsted Chief Officer at the Ross Eye Institute.

Split Club:  We will forgo until the first meeting in April as the next meeting is at Merriton.

Presntation Dr. Sandra Sieminski:  Dr. Sandra Sieminski is specially training in glaucoma.  The disease process of glaucoma was reviewed.  Pressure and visual field testing is monitored to test for glaucoma.  Lowering the pressure in the eye is a treatment method for glaucoma, as well as topical medications.  Once treatment has begun it is ongoing for the life of the patient, compliance of the patient is extremely important.
There are 2 laser (Selective Laser Trabeci SLT vs Argon Laser Trabeci (ALT) treatments that makes the drainage system of the eye work better.  Of the 2 types (SLT) is repeatable and easier opthalomology residents can perform this treatment.  The SLT laser treatment can be a replacement for the drops.  Surgery is the last line of defense for glaucoma treatment.  Certain populations are more prone to glaucoma, diabetics, rheumatoid arthritis, African Americans.

Committee Reports:
Spaghetti Dinner:  Lion Anne for Lion Dick sell those tickets.  Those interested in helping with the basket auction see LP Anne
Cooresponsonding Secretary:  Newfane Lions Club is roasting LDG Clancey, Tuesday 24th, 2012.
Merriton Meeting:  Next meeting 3/28 meet in Mighty Taco Plaza
Joint meeting with Zonta and Rotary Club casual on Tuesday March 27 at the BLC
July 4th parade-  LP Anne will ask Lion Tom DeCarlo to chair the parade.
Blind and Charity Fund_ Lion Paul Lion Paul reported on the 2/16 meeting.  Lion Paul and Lion Norm went to the meeting for the Lions Blind and Charity Fund.  $11915 was raised, 15% higher than last year.  Next year 10/20/12 help is needed to assemble the packets.  The Blind and Charity Fund assists people in the community with various items and services.  Our club has 5 shares and will benefit with a total of $1007.10. 

Docs Day for Kids:  DD for Kids was successful with over $27,000 raised that day.
First Annual  “Dining in the Dark”:  Benefits the Olmstead Foundation on April 12, 2012.  Tickets are $100/person with dinner, cocktails and a silent basket raffle at the Hyatt.  See LP Anne if interested.
Presentation:   Do we want a presentation from the Falun Dafa Association promoting Chinese Culture.  Comments were only if we have an opening for programming. 

Nominating Committee:  Lion President Anne presented ongoing the slate of officers for the upcoming 2012-2013 year on behalf of committee members Paul, Henry, Al and Anne.

President:  Tom Witkowski
1st Vice President: Brooks Rimes
2nd Vice President: open
3rd Vice President:  Tom Rusert
Corresponding Secretary: Annette Lobl
Recording Secretary:  Donna Lavallee
Treasurer:  Dick Crawford
Lion Tamer: Al Ackerman
Tail Twister: Fred Ruocco
Directors of 1 year:  Henry Lobl, Shelia Ferrentino
Directors of 2 year term:  Dave Chervinsky, Norm Hahn
Immediate Past President Anne Fahning
There were no additional nominations from the floor.  The slate will go out via email and in the next newsletter.  Merriton meeting will accept nominations from the floor.  The first meeting in April voting will be done at the election meeting.  The meeting date will be set by LP Anne.
A membership chair and committee will be appointed by the president.
White Cane as needs a chair.
Merritons Meeting 3/28:  Meet at Mighty Taco parking lot at 5:30 PM.
Motion to adjourn Lion Tom seconded Lion Norm meeting adjourned 9:00:PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

General Meeting  April 11,2012

Present: Lions Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford, Al Ackerman, Norm Hahn, Dan Morabito, Mike Steinagel, John Mc Carthy, Brooks Rimes, Diane and Jerry Dubiel, Annette and Henry Lobl, Cristina Ross, Mark Trinko, Shelia Ferrentino, Paul Bassette
President Anne called the meeting to order and introduced the speaker Dr. Lee who will speak on the program Shen Yun.
The pledge was led by Lion Al, followed by Lion Mike with the song and Lion Paul saying the prayer.
Split Club: Denise Dunbar and Tom Butler’s name were picked. They were absent. Henry Lobl’s name was picked ,who then picked the ace of hearts. No winner.
Committee reports:
1.Spaghetti Dinner : Chairman Dick Crawford provided an update. Set-Up begins at 10 am
2. Journey for Sight Tom W. gave an update and made a motion for the club to donate $150 for sponsorship. 2nd. By Paul Bassette. As there were enough Board members present motion was passed unanimously.
3. Community Club Excellence Program. Tom W still needs  a number of outstanding responses to survey.
4. Peace Poster Winners and families will be at the May 23 meeting reported by Paul Bassette.
Slate of Officers and Directors for 22012-2013. Dick Crawford made a motion for the Secretary to cast one vote for the slate as presented at the Club meeting at Merritton, Ontario and as published in the April newsletter. 2nd by Henry Lobl, Passed unanimously.
Program: Dr. Lee gave a slide presentation of the program which will be produced on May 11 at Shea’s Performing Arts Center. The program is depicting  5000 years of Chinese culture thru classical dance. The  production company and supporters are non-national Chinese who want to preserve this part of the Chinese culture which has not been recognized since the communists came to power.
Correspondence:  1. A check was received from the Lions Blind and Charity fund for $1007. Lion Anne gave highlights of the report. All members are encouraged to donate as these donations come back to the club in our shares.
2.LCIF- sent the club a chevron for the Melvin Jones award. Lion Anne will put on the banner
3.Wilson Lions Club is celebrating its 70 th. Anniversary.  Dick Crawford made a motion  for the purchase of two tickets. 2nd. By Shelia. Motion amended by Paul Bassette to designate 1st. VP Tom W and his wife Diana to go. Passed unanimously.
4. DG Clancy Burkweit Cabinet Recognition dinner is 5/11/12 at Salvatore’s Restaurant.
New Business. Lion Mike presented the request by the editor of the GI Dispatch {Larry Austin} to forward our meeting minutes to him so that he could cull them for newsworthy articles and get them published in a timely fashion. There was an extensive discussion of the pros and cons of such an arrangement. Henry  made a motion to honor  the request to send meeting minutes and pictures of program speakers to Larry. 2nd by Mike . Motion was defeated  7 for,7 against,2 abstain .
Decision was made for the PR Committee to continue to send the articles and pictures to the Dispatch.
Motion to Adjourn made by Shelia. 2nd by Al.  Submitted by Annette Lobl for Donna Lavalee.

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
April 25, 2012

Attendance:  (20 in attendance) Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski, Al Ackerman, Diane Dubiel, Gerry Dubiel, Paul Bassette,  Dick Crawford,  Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, , Earl DeGlopper, Dan Morobito, Shelia Ferrentino, Dick Planavsky, Tom Rusert, Sean Kelly, Brian Grimm, Earl DGlopper, Tom DeCarlo,  Donna Lavallee  Guest speaker;  Samantha Ryan from Mercy Flight

Lion President Ann called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.  Lion President Ann introduced our guest Samantha Ryan from Mercy Flight.

Samantha Ryan presented on Mercy Flight.  A historical perspective was given as well as the how the program has been managed and grown throughout its inception.  Mercy Flight has always been a non for profit organization.  They are in the process of retiring some of their first helicopters and purchasing new state of the art helicopters.  The organization forgives approximately $700, 000 in costs every year.  They have a new program that allows an organization to sponsor a flight, the cost is $842.  LP Ann presented Samantha with a check for $100. 
Split Club: Lion Dick:  $18 in the split club.  Looking for the Ace of hearts.  Lion Henry was selected.  The King of Clubs was drawn.

Committee Reports:

Christmas Tree Sale update:  Sean Kelly, sales were up with a profit of $2750, up from approximately $2100 last year. 
Secretary Report:  Solicitation for an ad for Kids Escaping Drugs.  This will be sent to the budget committee.  Young Life sent a thank you for the clubs donation.  A solicitation from UNYTS to sponsor a blood drive at St Timothys.  Discussion was had that there are many blood drives on Grand Island, therefore we thought that maybe we could offer our support to others that sponsor UNYTS blood drives.  Perhaps we could sponsor a drive with another group on Grand Island.  Lion Shelia will look into this.
Treasurers   Lion Dick _ We have $9600 in our welfare account with the addition of another $2750 added from Christmas Trees.
Spaghetti Dinner Update: Lion Dick We really only had 200 patrons that came through and bought tickets at the door.  We have made about $2800 including all of the revenue from the basket raffle and desserts.  $1695 in dinner ticket money, $1200 in the basket raffle, bake sale $179.  $142 $112 $81 generated in split club and $185 in miscellaneous money.  Overall we were down about 100 dinners.  At 6:30 we had about 1 tray of sauce left.  Costs are up for purchasing certain supplies.  Changes: 
We will try to set up tables Sunday night and maybe we can get YL or the Jr. and Sr. class to help with the set up the night before.
We should get together to go over the supplies.  Idea we could switch  to an Oktober fest.
 Reduced pre sale tickets.  Historically our sales are not presale.
White Cane Sale  Lion Henry has volunteered to take over the fundraiser.  Lion Dick Planavsky was thanked for all of his years leading this committee. 
July 4th Parade:  We will have cars and walkers, interested parties with a car should contact Lion Anne Fahning as lion Tom DeCarlo will not be in town this year.. 
Grand Island Opitical:  Lion Lou Macro has sold GI Optical to an optician. We need to invite the new owner to the club.  First to see if he wants to continue seeing patients in need of special care.  Second is he interested in joining our club.
Island Family Vincent Quarantello:  Vincent is a non verbal Down Syndrome child, in need of a IPad to communicate and further his development. LP Ann will speak to Lion Pat Patterson to reassess the family’s financial need.  We may look into a joint contribution with other local service clubs. 
Vision Beyond Sight would look for volunteer 6/20 and 8/27 The volunteers would be greeters at the entrance, help with follow up phone calls and provide a sugar free snack.
Special Presentation:  Lion Tom presented a 100% secretary’s award to Lion Annette from PDG Gary Carini.
May 5 Journey for Sight:  This year the journey will be Allegheny River Trail on St. Boneventure’s campus.  This year we have 32 sponsors.  Karen Hull executive director for an organization that supports abused children.  Last year 1038 children between 2 counties that goes toward support of an abused child.  Donation sheet.  JBS registration fee is $10, the walk is 2.8 miles.
New Business:  SKP is July 18th, with the couple’s picnic on the Saturday following.

Motion to adjourn Lion Jerry seconded Lion Annette meeting adjourned 8:37 PM

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
May 09, 2012
Attendance:  ( 14 in attendance) Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski, Al Ackerman, Paul Bassette,  Dick Crawford,  Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, , Dan Morobito, Shelia Ferrentino, Dave Chervinsky, John McCarthy, Fred Ruocco, Gary Haijnos,  Donna Lavallee

Lion President Ann called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM.  Lion Fred introduced a guest Gary Hainos. 
Split Club: Lion Dick:  $24 in the split club.  Looking for the Ace of hearts.  Lion  Rusert, absent, Lion Tom D, absent, Lion Butler, absent, Lion Dave C. was selected.  The King of spades was drawn.

Graffiti Busters:  Lion Dick presented on Graffiti Busters on behalf of Frank, Brian and Sean DeRubes.  They would like to spearhead and develop this program that would be ongoing through teens and high school students that would continue through an influx of new students who are interested in carrying on the program.  It would be good for the PR for the club and good for the community as a whole.  It was brought up to One Island, One Team, One Dream committee, insurance was an issue.  Lion Dick presented the brothers powerpoint program on Graffiti Busters.  The program would try to clean up Graffiti instances as quickly as possible.  Research shows that the sooner that Graffiti can be cleaned up it impacts reducing the occurrence of future acts of graffiti.  Goals of the program and materials needed were presented.  Q and A:  Discussion regarding funding and insurance liability program to make sure that the Lions Club and participants are covered.  GI Lions Club commitment would be supervision and insurance.  Time commitment would prospectively 2 times per month.  Lion Dick projects that our club makes a 2 year commitment with possible future funding coming from the school.  Lion Annette made a motion that the club make a commitment of 1 year to cover insurance and supervision for Graffiti Busters.  Seconded and amended by Lion Henry to send this to the board. This issue will be sent up to the board for voting and approval.
Committee Reports:

Secretary Report:  Thank you letter from Dr Andy’s day for Kids.

Special Kids Picnic: Lion Dan and Lion Annette will be meeting with New general manager of the BLC Alan and the manager for special events.  The date for the picnic is July 18th.  Captains for boats are M. Shanahan and other captains will be mentioned.  They have been hosting this event for 54 years with the BLC hosting this for many years.  We will try to find out exactly how many years.
Scholarship committee:  The committee will meet on 5/17 at 7 PM at Lion Donna’s house.  We have 18 prospective applicants.

Island Family: Vincent Quarantello:  Vincent is a non-verbal Down Syndrome child, in need of an IPad to communicate and further his development.  LP Ann will speak to Lion Pat Patterson to ask him to meet with Rotary Club and other service clubs on Grand Island.  Our club could also perhaps go for a matched grant.  This issue is still on the table.  An update will be forthcoming.

May 5 Journey for Sight:  This year’s event has raised $7700 with projected funds to top $10,000.  Vision Beyond Sight will benefit from the monies raised will go towards the funding of the glaucoma screening equipment.

Motion to adjourn Lion John seconded Lion Shelia meeting adjourned 8:28 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
May 23, 2012

Attendance: 22 (in attendance)Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford,  Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee, Anne Fahning, Gerry Dubiel, Diane Dubiel, Bill Wind  Tom Rusert,  Al Ackerman, Tom Witkowski, Dan Morobito, Brooks Rimes 9 guests; Katie Gibbons, Will Gibbons, Sylvia Kaptien, Alison Sorry and 5 members of her family.

Lion President Elect Anne Fahning called the meeting to order at 7:00PM. 

Announcements – guests were introduced, Peace poster winner, Alison Sorry and runner up
Katie Gibbons

Lion Dick:  Split club, $, Lions Mike Steinagle, Mark Trinko, Kevin Slachiak, Dick Planavsky, Pat Patterson, Donna Lavallee and Sean Kelly all absent, Lion Henry was present and chose the 7 of diamonds.

Program: Peace Poster chair Paul Bassette:  Lion Paul gave a quick background on the history of The Peace Poster contest which has been conducted for the past 24 years. This year’s theme was “What Peace means to me”.  The judging criteria are based on use of theme, artistic ability and originality. Second place winner Miss Katie Gibbons from Connor Middle School described her poster.  Miss Alison Sorry first place winner from Connor Middle School presented her poster to the club.  The posters will be display for 1 year at the Grand Island Public Library.

Committee Reports: 
· Scholarship Committee:  The committee (Lions Paul, Fred, Brooks, Henry Diane and Donna) met last Thursday 5-19-12.  We had 18 applicants.  Four winners were selected.  Each winner will receive $500.
· SPK:  Lion Annette and Lion Dan met with the new BLC event manager and office manager.  Everything is set for the date.  Tim Hortons and Dunkin Donuts will be contacted to see if they would provide coffee and donuts.  Tops for ice.  Niagara Experienced Players.  Notices have been sent out to the Sabres.  Lion Tom will contact the Lakeview Animal Sanctuary.  Lion Annette will contact the Excalibur, Lion Anne will contact the other captains.  Letters will be sent out to schools shortly. 
· Convention:  Lion Tom- State convention in Syracuse.  2 runners international director were Bob Libin and Steve Tremaroli. Steve Tremaroli was the winner.  International speaker was from Australia.  Next year’s convention was going to be in Buffalo at the Adams Mark Hotel. Lion Tom presented on the Club of Excellence Program and Community Needs Assessment.
· Lion Dave sent out a preliminary planning for the installation dinner 6/6 at the GI Holiday Inn, 6 PM for Cocktails and 7 PM for dinner, spouses and significant others are invited as well as the Lion’s club widows.
Motion to adjourn Lion Tom seconded Lion Paul meeting adjourned  8 PM.

Next general meeting will be June 6, 2012 at the Holiday Inn. 
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club Installation Dinner
June 13, 2012

Attendance:  (28 in attendance)  Dave Chervinsky, Jane Chervinsky, Anne Fahning,  Al Ackerman, Midge Hasselbeck,  Diane Dubiel, Jerry Dubiel, Dick Crawford,  Fred Ruocco, Tammy Ruooco, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dan Morobito , Paul Bassette, Judy Bassette, Shelia Ferrentino, Tom Rusert, Peggy Russert, Norm Hahn, Brooks Rimes, Brenda Rimes,  Donna Lavallee, Stu Lavallee.  Guests:  Jeff Stribing, Mike Lewanski, Kim Crawford, Ann Crawford, Hilda Smith,

Lion President Anne called the meeting to order at 7:08 PM.  Pledge, Patriotic song and prayer were shared.

Lion Paul Bassette introduced our guests.

Lion Presidents Message:  LP Anne Fahning shared reflections and thanks for a very successful year.

Presentation of Gifts:  Lion  presented LP Anne with a gift of recognition of her year of service.  LP Anne thanked everyone for their year of service.  Past President Lion Dave Chervinsky presented LP Anne with a special gift for her year of service.

2011-2012 Attendance/Milestone Awards:  Lion Shelia presented attendance and milestone awards, most notably.  Lion Al 27 Years of perfect attendance.  Lion Paul Bassette of perfect attendance.  Lion Dick Crawford 17 years of perfect attendance.  Lion Fred 11 years of perfect attendance, Lion Tom Rusert for 10 years of perfect attendance, Lion Dave and Lion Anne 9 years of perfect attendance.  Lion Donna 3 Years of perfect attendance.  Lion Al, 45 years of service.  Chevons of 40 years membership were awarded to Tom Butler 30 years of service John McCarthy 35 years of service, 10 years Lion Brooks, Lion Shelia 10 years of service Mike Steinagel, Diane Dubiel, and Dave Chervinsky

Melvin Jones and Robert J Uplinger Awards:  Lion Paul Bassette presented the background information on both awards.  The Melvin Jones awards can be given to a Lion or a non Lion.  This is a person who puts people first and human needs. 
Robert J Uplinger award is for RJU that is the highest award that can be received in District 20 that began in 1983.  The awards of the Robert J Uplinger Service Award presented by Lion Dave Chervinsky presented to Lion Annette Lobl for her many years of service and dedication to the club.  The Second RJU award was presented by Lion Anne to Lion Dick Crawford for his 17 years of service in various roles in our GI Lions Club.
Melvin Jones:  Lion Al Ackerman:  Presented the Melvin Jones Award to Lion Dave Chervinsky for his many years of service to the GI Lions Club.
nstallation of Officers and Directors:  Lion Paul Bassette and Lion Dick Crawford recognized and installed the officers for the 2012-2013 calendar year.
 President:  Lion Tom Witkowski
First Vice President:  Lion Brooks Rimes
Second Vice President:  Open
Third Vice President:  Lion Tom Rusert
Treasurer:  Lion Dick Crawford
Corresponding Secretary:  Lion Annette Lobl
Recording Secretary:  Lion Donna Lavallee
Tail Twister:  Lion Fred Ruocco
Lion Tamer:  Lion Al Ackerman
Director – Two Years:  Lion Dave Chervinsky and Norm Hahn
Director One Year:  Lion Henry Lobl and Lion Shelia Ferrentino
Immediate Past President:  Lion Anne Fahning

Transfer of GI Lions Club Paraphernalia: Unfortunately Lion Tom could not be with us tonight.  Lion Fred graciously accepted the officer of presidency for Lion Tom, promising meetings no longer than 8:30 PM and taciturn responses to all inquiries.  The official gavel will be passed on to Lion Tom at the board meeting in July 2012.
Lion President Anne addressed the club with her thoughts on the upcoming year.

GI Lions Summer Activities:
BOD Meeting :  6/26/12 lp Anne Fahnings Boat
July 4th Parade
Special Kids Picnic:  July 18, 2012
Members Picnic:  July 21, 2012
White Cane Drive: August 18 and 19th, 2012
Merriton Labor Day Parade:  September 3, 2012.

Benediction:  Lion Paul Bassette

Meeting Adjourned:  8:30
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club Meeting September 12, 2012 Holiday Inn, Grand Island, N.Y.

Lion President Tom Witkowski called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm
Present: Brooks Rimes, Anne Fahning, Fred Ruocco, Norm Hahn, Tom Rusert, Henry and Annette Lobl, Jerry and Diane Dubiel, Dick Crawford, Tom De Carlo, Dan Morabito, Tom Witkowski
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jerry Dubiel, America was led by Tom DeCarlo and the prayer was said by Paul Bassette.
Pres. Tom asked for a moment of silence to remember the Americans killed in Libya and to remember all the victims of 9/11.
50/50  Annette Lobl’s name drawn. She drew the 10 of diamonds. No winner.
Committee Reports:
War of 1812 Reenactment of the Battle of Queenston Heights in Lewiston on 10/13/12.
 Club to work the hospitality tent from 4-8pm. The activities involve serving dinner to the reenactors and clean –up. Ten people needed. Volunteers to date are Tom R., Tom W., Paul,  Shelia, Annette, Henry, Dick and Marla Crawford. 2-4 more are needed.
White Cane Days –Henry reported that it was a great success with much enthusiasm and participation from the community. We had 18 Lions participate with only 4 shifts not covered.
Wendy’s community day  fundraiser 8/28/12 4-8pm. Annette reported that $130 was raised with 12 Lions handing out flyers or coming in to eat and use the flyers.
Merritton Visits and Meeting dates. Merritton will be visiting us on 10/10/12 at the Knights building. We will go to Merritton on April 24,2013.
Graffiti  Busters-Dick reported that training dates for the youth and adult supervisors will be sometime in mid-October. Goal is to train 4-6 youths and supervisors. Budget for cleaning supplies is $300. Sen. Grisanti’s office is being solicited for this.
Club Meeting Location.  Holiday Inn will be increasing price of meal $1 per plate. The Buffalo Launch Club plans to increase the price $3.50 per plate in January (end of current contract). Discussion held. Dick will pursue other venues for the second monthly meeting location.
Committees  Pres. Tom reviewed the Chairs for the committees and will provide the final list to Dave for the membership book .
Peace Poster Contest- Paul reported that he has met with the schools . The entry must be in by 10/12.
Spaghetti Dinner- Dick reported that this year the date will be the end of April. Exact date will be reported at next meeting.
New Business:
Dues  Dan mentioned that the electronic dues notice is not always effective. Annette discussed that despite moving the dates earlier we still have the issue of non-payment in September well after Int. and State dues are paid by the club. Discussion held.
Motion made by Annette that one written notice of dues will be mailed to all members by April 10 with the notice stating that if dues are not paid by May 30 the member will be dropped from the club. 2nd
By Anne . Passed unanimously.
Awards- Pres. Tom passed the PDG Leadership award information to Awards Committee Chair Paul
Tree Planting. Dick reported that this will happen in the fall  $250 was donated locally. He will report back on particulars.
Constitution- Pres. Tom asked if Board  had looked at Int. Constitution. Henry commented on what he saw as differences. Henry felt that a committee on By-Lays should be re-established. This committee can address  and make recommendations as to how the Club constitution can be consistent with International.
Perfect Attendance- lengthy discussion was held. Tom has reviewed  International definitions. Matter was tabled.
Membership Chair Tom is actively investigating .
Disposition of Items donated by widow of former member H. Smith. Raffle was suggested. Perhaps on Merritton night.  Anne will get items together.
Lions history book will be passed from one President to another rather than Club purchasing one every year.
Scholarship Committee  Paul is asking for a Co-Chair.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm.
Respectfully Submitted
Annette Lobl acting for Sec. Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
September 26, 2012

Attendance:  (18 in attendance) Anne Fahning, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford,  Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee,  Fred Ruocco,  Diane Dubiel, Tom Rusert,  Al Ackerman, Tom Witkowski,  John McCarthy, Norm Hahn, Tom Butler, Lynn Weber Wall, Beverly Witkowski Olsen, Tami Mills, Steve Kruzicke and Ryan.
Lion President Tom Witkowski called the meeting to order at 7:02PM.  There was a motion by to release the Tail Twister.
Announcements – guests were introduced,  Lynn Weber Wall, Beverly Witkowski Olsen of Special Spaces as well Tami Mills, Steve Kruzicke and Ryan recipients of a room from Special places.
Lion Dick:  Split club, $42, Lion Dick C., The Queen of spades was drawn.
Review of minutes from the last meeting.  Lion Paul Motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Lion Tom, motion passed.
Treasurers report:  none at this time.
BonTon:  Lion Annette:  30 booklets sold to date, there are many members who have yet to purchase a booklet.
Graffiti Busters:  The DeRubes brothers are looking for 3-6 other teens to help with the work and to attend a special training.  This has not been set up yet.  Updates will be forthcoming.
Guest Speaker:   Lynn Weber Wall, Beverly Witkowski Olsen from Special Places were introduced.
New Locations: Mary Jo and Lion Dick will continue to look for new places for our meeting after the first of the year as the Launch Club will be raising dinner prices $3.50.
Perfect Attendance:  Lion Tom:  After much discussion attendance totals are 17 meetings.  Lion Tom made a motion that these can be supplanted with attendance at the following official Lions functions; District Cabinet meetings, District Advisory Council Meetings (ACMs), Joint Club meetings, Club Board of Directors’ meetings, club fundraisers, club service projects. Sign in sheets will be made available and attendance will be tallied to obtain credit.  Motion passed for those members present.
Membership Chair:  The position is still open.  According to the 2009 constitution;  LP Tom made a motion that the club add a board of directors position.  Discussion:  Lion Paul brought up that the 2005 constitution stated that the membership chair has served as a board position.  Perhaps this was an oversight in the amended 2009 constitution.  Clarification is necessary.  Motion by Lion Anne to table this until clarification is documented, seconded by LP Tom.  Changes to the constitution need to be voted on by the entire membership body.
Old Business:
Need for a membership chair
Annual audit of the treasurers books.  We will determine to see exactly what documents need to be reviewed
PDG Paul Barnas:  Ray Wheeler  2 requests are in $500 2 times to the VBS foundation follow treatments through the VBS Humanitarian Fund.
 Lion Paul Bassette : Nominations from district 20 N for a PDG Leadership Award.  The award was to recognize outstanding leadership qualities at the club or district level.  Lion Paul handed out ballots for those present to nominate one member of our Lions Club for this award.
Dale Austin from Peoples Inc.:  Thank you letter from their kids  who enjoyed the SKP.
Michael Symanski:  Director of development for the Bell Center a licensed day care facility on the West side of Buffalo.  This is a request to present their center at one of our meetings.  LP Tom will be in contact with the person.
Presentation: Lynn Wall and Beverly Olsen of Special Spaces of Buffalo:
This organization helps families with children battling a life threatening illness create a “special place” created with love. 
100% volunteer and Sponsorships from companies based on level of participation.
Funding 100% by donations
Special Places creates a unique room.  Adventure room, Army room, NASCAR, etc
Companies that help are Carpets Plus Colortile, Irr supply center, All creatures Animal Hospital, American Freight, Buffalo advertising Management, Passport Wine and Spirits, Home Depot, Uncle Bobs, storage, Dave and Busters and TLC Limo services.
Candidates are suggested by local nurses, pediatric section of hospice, school nurses etc..  Decisions are not based on financial need.  Criteria is based on life threatening illness.
Tami Mills addressed the club on the transformation that happened in Ryan’s room.
LP Tom presented gifts and a check for $200 to Special Places Buffalo.
LP Tom reviewed the cabinet meeting, highlight was a full blown presentation on the GMT report.  LP filed a report regarding how Lions Club feels about their club their membership, fundraising, strengths and weaknesses.  The report will go on line to the district website.   This will help maintain an ongoing dialog can be developed to help Lions Club. 
New Business; for the good of the club:
BonTon books are available.

Motion to adjourn by Lion Paul, seconded by Lion Tom B meeting adjourned 8:35PM

The next meeting will be our meeting with the Merrittons 10-10-12 meeting place TBD.  This meeting is at the Grand Island KOC.

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
October 10, 2012
Attendance:  (32 in attendance) 16 GI Lions Annette Lobl, Henry Lobl, Dick Crawford,  Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee,  Fred Ruocco,  Diane Dubiel, Tom DeCarlo,  Tom Rusert, Al Ackerman, Tom Witkowski, Earl DeGlopper, Dan Morabito, Brian Grimm, Brooks Rimes, guest Stu Lavallee.  16 from Merrittons Lions Club

Lion President Tom Witkowski called the meeting to order at 7:10PM.

Announcements – guests our sister club from the Merriton’s 
Committee Reports: 
Lion Annette:  1812 Celebration in Lewiston, NY is this weekend 10/14/12.  We are signed up to work the pig roast in the afternoon/
Lion Annette:  BonTon Community Days books are still available
Lion Earl DeGlopper was honored for 35 years of Lions Club Membership.
Peace Poster contest:  Lion Paul Bassette:  Lions Dan, Paul, Diane and Donna will help with this event.
November 3, 2012 1,000,000 Tress planting will be happening, Lion Dick will keep everyone in the loop.

Christmas Tree sale:
Brian Grimm:  The trees have been ordered, new stands will be ordered, proceeds be for Lions Club.  Lions Club members are encouraged to sign up for volunteer hours.

Lion George from Merrittons complimented our club for the work that we do, the excellence of our newsletter and the ideas and service that we do in our community.
November 3, 2012.  Diabetes Awareness Day.
November 17, 2012 Sight awareness Bowl a thon.  Monies raised goes to the Guide Dogs for the Blind.

2014 – LCIF convention will be held in Toronto, Canada.

Turkey Raffle tickets are for sale. 

New Business:  Next meeting is at the BLC on October 24, 2012. 

Motion to adjourn Lion Tom W. seconded Lion Tom D meeting adjourned 8:45 PM

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
October 24, 2012
Attendance:  12 in attendance)  Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford,  Dan Morabito, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee,  Anne Fahning, Diane Dubiel, Jerry Dubiel,  Al Ackerman, Dave Chervinsky, Norm Hahn, Henry Lobl.

Lion President Tom Witkowski called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.  Lion Henry led the pledge to the flag, Lion Paul led us in prayer and Lion Norm led us in patriotic song
Lion Dick:Split club, $48, Lion Diane the 8 of spades was chosen.

Recording Secretary Minutes:  The minutes from 10-10-12 were read and approved as written.  There has been a suggestion to request the recording secretary minutes to review notes prior to adjournment, amend as necessary and vote to approve. We will try this approach.

Lewiston 1812 celebration:  Lion Anne shared a thank you letter sent to the club thanking us for our help with the War of 1812 reenactment A picture will be shared in the future.  A good time was had by all that attended.

Blind and Charity Fund:  Lions Diane, Jerry, Norm and Paul went to help with stuffing the envelopes.  Members will receive envelopes between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Our club has 5 shares of the proceeds that will be distributed in the spring.

Graffiti Busters- The DeRubes brothers were not in attendance at the most recent meeting.  Fortunately, there is no graffiti to take care of.  The insurance has not yet been purchased and will be done when the need arises.

BLC:  Lion Dan:  The SKP is secured at the Launch Club.  The cost of the dinners will be going up.  Lion Dan has a verbal agreement for $17.50 from January 1, 2013 to May 2013.  This is conflicting information that was given to Lion Dick and Lion Mary Jo who were given a price of $18.50.  The price of the dinner was discussed and Lion Henry suggested that we get this pricing in writing.  Discussion was had with recommendations to continue to have dinners at the BLC.  Motion:  Lion Henry; If we get a written contract for $17.50 we accept this and sign the contract.  Seconded by Lion Norm.  All in Favor.  Motion passed.  Lion Dan will talk to Sigmund to try to finalize this.

Dinner prices at the Holiday Inn will be $16.

Lion Dick:  Suggestion:  Kevin Slachciak business “Say Cheese” has a nice banquet menu, perhaps we try this restaurant or other local restaurants for our special parties (Christmas and Valentines).
Motion:  Lion Henry:  A motion was made that the members that are responsible for planning the Holiday parties consider investigating other venues on GI.  11 in favor, 1 opposed.

Committee Reports: 

Membership Chair:  LP Tom took a webinar regarding membership growth.  There is not a current chairman for this committee.  Rating surveys and community needs assessments were suggested for the membership chair.  Our club is close to be considered a Gold Club.  Basically we need to reach out to our community.  We need a chair for our community needs assessment.   
PDG Leadership Award to be announced at the convention.  LP Tom Witkowski has been nominated from our club.

Peace poster:  Lion Paul the committee will meet on 10/25/12 in the meeting room at the Library.  Lions Diane, Dan, Paul, Brooks and Donna are on this committee.

Correspondence:  LP Tom November 3, 2012 at 6 PM Miracle League is hosting a “Grand Slam Gala” $50 Per person.  Motion Lion Dick was made to purchase 2 tickets and to send the Club president and his guest.  All in favor.  Motion passed.

On 10-27, 2012, the Vision Beyond Sight Foundation will have its annual meeting at 10 AM in the Olmstead Center.  All available Lions should attend.  There have been 40k individuals that have been helped thus far.   Unfortunately many of these individuals are not able to come back for follow up care.  Additional funding will go toward assisting people to come for follow up care.

October 31 is the deadline for submissions for the state convention pin designs

November 9-11 BonTon Community book sales.  We have sold 52 books to date.  We need to sell 75 books in order to meet the minimum in order to get additional monies.  This issue will be sent to the Board on whether or not the club should purchase these extra booklets.

November 10:  Cabinet meeting for the sub-district convention.  There is a suggestion that all vice presidents are encouraged to attend.  Lion Anne Motion that the club pay the $15 fee for any VP in our club to attend if they wish to do so.  Seconded by Lion Dave.  All in favor.

Lion Henry:  We received a Thank you from the National Special Spaces Organization.

Awards:  LP Tom presented Lion Diane and Lion Dave received their 10 year chevron pins.

Constitution:  LP Tom stated that the constitution can be amended at any regular or special meeting of the club at which a quorum is present, by the affirmative of having two thirds of the members present, or 19 members present.  Lion Paul read a similar amendment to the constitution that we can conduct votes by email and mail or hand delivered.  This was in 2005.  There have been changes to the constitution in 2009, however, maybe these amendments had possibly not been voted on or transposed. 

Lion Henry:  Motion:  We appointment LP Tom and Lion Paul and Lion Dave serve on the standing constitution and bylaws, the board would be given a draft of the revision of the constitution.  The club then take the recommendations of the committee and vote on the these recommendations at the next board meeting.  Seconded by Lion Dick.  All in favor.  Motion passed.

Motion to adjourn Lion Tom seconded Lion  Henry meeting adjourned   8:45PM.
Board meeting to follow.
Next general meeting will be November 14, 2012 at the GI Holiday Inn. 
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club Meeting November 14, 2012
held at Holiday Inn, Grand Island, N.Y.
Lion President Tom Witkowski called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm
Present: Al Ackerman, Brooks Rimes, Anne Fahning, Fred Ruocco, Norm Hahn, Tom Rusert, Henry and Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Tom De Carlo, Dan Morabito, Sean Kelly, Brian Grim,  Shelia Ferrentino, Tom Rusert, Paul Bassette, Dave Chervinsky, Pat Patterson, Larry Furnia, Tom Witkowski
Brian Grim led the Pledge of Allegiance. Tom DeCarlo led “America” and Paul Bassette said the prayer.
Tail twister was released.
Split Club: Annette Lobl’s name was drawn. She picked the 5 of clubs. No winner. Amount is $56.
 1.Revised Constitution and By-Laws Vote
Lion President Tom led the discussion regarding this.
Corresponding Secretary A Lobl affirmed that 20 members in good standing were present affirming a quorum.
Motion made by Dan Morabito to accept the revised Constitution and By-Laws as recommended by the Board of Directors. 2nd by Anne Fahning.  Passed unanimously.
 2, Milestone awards were presented to Lion Al Ackerman for 45 years of service and Lion John McCarthy for 40 years of service.
 3. Lion Tom released club members who could not stay.
4. President’s Report.
  A. Project Refresh North America Deep Dive:  Pres. Tom summarized a webinar he attended on issue of losing membership.  73 % of clubs worldwide lost 36% of membership. Gold Clubs which show growth   are either family oriented, social or philanthropic. Blue Clubs have shown a loss in membership. 82% of the people who join Lions do so to provide service to their community.
B. Lion Pres. Tom reported on 11/11 Cabinet Meeting.
C. Tom gave a report on the Miracle League Fundraising Dinner. He advised the membership that he wants to apply to the Brandel-Murphy Foundation for a grant for the playground. Al Ackerman agreed to help with the grant.
D.Raymond J. Wheeler Foundation Grant matching has been resubmitted to D 20 N.
E. Correspondence reported by Pres. Tom
   1 Donation Request by Excalibur Budget Committee will handle. This donation is part of the Budget.
   2. Brandel-Murphy Youth Foundation: Superbowl Tickets:  Annette received 6 tickets. Tom has more.       Budget Committee will handle.
F.  Change in schedule of January meetings. January 09, 2013 Meeting will be at Holiday Inn at NOON due to the District Governor’s visit at the January 23 meeting at place to be determined.
5. Committee Reports
Graffiti Busters –Lion Dick states that it is on hold for present.  Due to kids activities and no incidents.
Christmas Tree Contest at high school.  Dick says that more artificial trees have to be purchased due to fire code. He made motion for Club to donate $340 for purchase of these trees. 2nd by John McCarthy.
Motion passed.
Bon Ton Fundraising:  Annette reported that $515 was raised from sale of books. We have not received check from store as yet.
Kelly’s Christmas Tree Sales to benefit the Lions chaired by Lions Sean and Brian. They request that members come out on weekends to greet customers and talk about the club. The SKP sign and Spaghetti Dinner sign can be displayed. Live Reindeer will be there on 12/08 and 09 from Noon till 5pm.
Tree Planting Lion dick reported that 8 trees were planted. The Club donated $250 for this project.
Motion to Adjourn meeting made by Dave Chervinsky. 2nd by Tom Rusert
Next Meeting:  Meet and Greet with other service clubs at the BLC on 11/28/12
Budget Meeting at 6pm.
Board Meeting to follow general meeting.
Respectfully Submitted
Annette Boies Lobl  Corresponding Secretary

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
November 28, 2011
Attendance:  ( 15 in attendance) Anne Fahning, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford,  Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee,  Fred Ruocco,  Al Ackerman, Tom Witkowski, Dave Chervinsky, Norm Hahn, Tom Butler, Henry Lobl, Brooks Rimes, Dan Morabito, Tom Rusert

Lion President Tom Witkowski called the meeting to order at 7:08 PM.
Lion Henry - pledge, Lion Paul, prayer, Lion Dick C song
Motion to release the tail twister.
Announcements –
Lion Dick: $63 Split club Lion Bob C, Lion Brian G, Lion Earl, Lion Pat, Lion John McCarthy were absent, Lion Annette was drawn. The 7 of hearts was drawn.
Committee Reports: 
· Christmas Tree Contest at High School:  Lion Dick Crawford Lion Dick needs to call Bob Simpson.  The event will be Wednesday December 5 at 5:00 PM.  The trees will be auctioned off again.  The program is coordinated by the school and the Town.  Santa will be there and there will be activities for children.
· Christmas Party:  Lion Fred:  Neighbors Foundation was contacted needs are primarily cash as they buy Tops cards to distribute to people on Grand Island.  Club members will give as they see fit and we will turn the money over to the Neighbors Foundation. 
· Christmas Tree Sales:  Lion Tom, Lion Tom spoke to Lion Brian that the Lions really do not have to be there, however, it is nice to show up and talk up Lionism.  Lions Club members should sign up for times on the weekends.  A sign up sheet will be distributed tonight.  Larry from the dispatch called to see if some Lions want to gather for a picture.  The time will tentatively be Friday 12/1/12 at noon.  Lion Dick will email members regarding the exact time.  Lion Annette constructed a sign up sheet for 2 hour time slots on the weekends and Lion Dave will distribute this through email.
Old Business: 
Form for the Raymond Jay Wheeler Foundation was signed for the Vision Beyond Sight Foundation a $500 matching grant.
New Business:  Lion Annette will put out a notice regarding fulfilling our commitment for Meals on Wheels, the first and third Fridays of the month. For the last Friday in January, and in February and March the Lobl’s, Chervinsky’s and Dubiel’s will be out of town.  The meals are at Riverwoods nursing home for pick up to distribute to the homes.  There are 2 routes a north and a south.  Lion Annette and Henry will be still here the first Friday of January.
Program:  Lion Tom Witkowski; Community Needs Assessment (CAN)  Lion Tom presented on the CAN goals and purposes.  An open invitation was sent out to Isle de Grande and the Island Dispatch to other service groups to join our meeting tonight.  A committee needs to be formed to get the ball rolling so that we can better serve our community.  The online survey approach that was tried in the past was not successful.  Perhaps an ongoing outreach letter could be published.  A suggestion to capitalize on the services that are already available to our community and to offer a way to enhance the services.  Maybe a column reporting on services that are available.  We should concentrate on what we do best and offer that to the community.  We do have a continual blurb about our loan closet.  Invite Barbara from the Golden Age Center to present a program to our club then we could have an open exchange with the specific needs.  Olmstead Center could also come and speak to our club specifically regarding their low vision program.  Lion Tom will contact Larry at the Island Dispatch regarding putting a monthly article in the newspaper.

Next meeting is at the Holiday Inn on December 12, 2012.  The program will be the Christmas Party.
Motion to adjourn Lion Henry seconded Lion Tom B meeting adjourned 8:44PM

Submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee
